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Dr. Sabine Haag
Director General of the KHM-Museumsverband

On 1 January 2009, I assumed the honourable task of overseeing operations of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, the Museum of Ethnology and the Austrian Theatre Museum as their general director, a challenge which it has been a great pleasure to take on.

It is a privilege for me to take responsibility, at the most beautiful workplace in the world, for the anchoring of our museums as permanent institutions through which to remember Europe’s cultural heritage, on location as well as by way of regular exhibitions domestically and abroad. The challenge here surely consists in counteracting the increasing similarity of present-day museum offerings. Research on the collection holdings, an activity which is important to me personally as long-time curator of the Chamber of Art and the Treasury, must be brought into productive dialogue with our visitors. Our intent, then, is to think about the institution of the museum even more thoroughly from the visitor’s point of view than has previously been the case.

The museum can only welcome and serve as many guests as possible if investments are made in an appropriately visitor-friendly infrastructure. The essential requirement in gaining new audience groups is the deliberate adoption of a fundamentally visitor-oriented approach by the museum and its employees. A correspondingly visitor-friendly homepage is an essential part of such offerings, of course—particularly when one considers that we receive around 5,000 online visits every day. Our real-world museum facilities register a total of around 4,000 visitors per day.

Museums are like public stages. They should be performed upon and provide their audiences with enjoyment. Wilhelm von Humboldt demanded of the museum that it first delight and then educate.
In keeping with Humboldt’s ideal, I would like to invite you to encounter the Kunsthistorisches Museum and its numerous collections, as well as the other museums associated with the KHM, in the spirit of curiosity, and to find occasion to come visit us again and again.

Dr. Paul Frey
General Manager

Our aims are transparency, a clear organization and a structured approach to projects. We are happy to accept the challenge of combining the legally-enshrined public-service character of the museum with the general principles of a modern service-provider.

Our management team is responsible for bookkeeping & finances, controlling, property management, information technology, shops & media and reproduction rights, organisation & purchasing, personnel, project management, legal aspects, security and ticketing & tourism; with our responsibility for providing effective and efficient service and controlling we represent innovative museum management. We take pride in our leadership responsibility!

Together we strive for a general atmosphere of appreciation and mutual respect, and believe that providing a suitable and enjoyable work-environment for each member of staff forms the basis of productive activity.

Our motto is „doing the right thing the right way“ and we aim to create the framework that allows art and scholarship to prosper, providing a vital element for our visitors’ unique enjoyment of art.


Dr. Ulrike Baumgartner-Gabitzer (Vorsitzende)
Dr. Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer (Stv. Vorsitzende)
Dr. Andreas Brandstetter
Dr. Barbara Damböck
Dipl.Ing. Judith Engel MBA, MSC, MSc
Mag. Veronika Höfenstock
MMag. Dr. Thomas Kohlert
Mag. Marianne Novotny-Kargl
Dr. Rudolf Scholten


[pdf] Der KHM-Museumsverband (375 KB) Dezember 2014



[pdf] Geschäftsordnung der Geschäftsführung (68 KB)


[pdf] Geschäftsordnung des Kuratoriums (471 KB)


[pdf] Jahres- und Geschäftsbericht 2023 (7.5 MB)


[pdf] Public Corporate Governance Bericht (257 KB) für das Geschäftsjahr 2023


[pdf] Prüfbericht, Jahresabschluss, Anhang und Lagebericht 2023 (9.6 MB) zum 31. Dezember 2023


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