Every donation helps
Even in times of budgetary constraints, we remain dedicated to maintaining both the quality and the quantity of our activities, and fulfilling our core tasks in ways that will profit future generations. Your contribution supports the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna on its quest to preserve our outstanding collections and make the masterpieces of art accessible to everyone!
Completely unknown in the last century, Michaelina Wautier is now one of the most important female artists of the 17th century. At a time when female painters were mainly concerned with still life or genre painting, Michaelina Wautier also presented herself confidently with sophisticated historical painting. For a long time, people did not want to believe that her impressive Bacchanal was the work of a woman.
For more information, please contact
Hannah Mingers, BA, BSc.
+43 1 52524 - 4038
The Kunsthistorisches Museum has received a very special offer: 22 coins that are closely linked to Austria's history are up for sale. The rarity of these pieces is almost comparable to that of the Mauritius "Post Office" stamps. We would like to take this opportunity to preserve these valuable testimonies of Austrian history for future generations in the collection of our Coin Cabinet and ask for your support!
For more information, please contact
Hannah Mingers, BA, BSc.
+43 1 52524 - 4038
With Rembrandt – Hoogstraten. Colour and Illusion, the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna will dedicate an exhibition to the masterpieces of Rembrandt for the first time. The special exhibition – opening in autumn 2024 – will focus on Rembrandt’s use of colour, as well as his influence on successors such as his pupil Samuel van Hoogstraten. Thanks to our generous donors, we are able to restore masterpieces by Rembrandt and Hoogstraten in preparation for the exhibition!
For more information, please contact
Hannah Mingers, BA, BSc.
+43 1 52524 - 4038
Let us preserve one of the greatest treasures of the Renaissance! Works of art are made to last forever. Unfortunately, the materials they are made of are not.
We will be happy to inform you personally
Hannah Mingers, BA, BSc.
+43 1 52524 - 4038
The Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna houses one of the world’s greatest collections of Old Masters, and it is our responsibility to preserve this world heritage for future generations. And we want ALL our visitors to experience our museum as a vibrant place of exhibitions, research, documentation, collecting, preservation and education.
For more information, please contact
Hannah Mingers, BA, BA
+43 1 52524 - 4038
Das Opfer von Lystra
Die Tapisserie „Das Opfer von Lystra“ zeugt von einem großen Kapitel der Kunstgeschichte: dem Einfluss Raffaels auf die Entwicklung der flämischen Textilkunst. Dank unserer großzügigen Spender*innen konnte nun die Restaurierung des kostbaren Stücks begonnen werden – dafür bedanken wir uns herzlich. Ab 26. September 2023 wird die frisch restaurierte Tapisserie „Das Opfer von Lystra“ in der Sonderschau Raffael. Gold & Seide zu sehen sein, wir freuen uns, wenn Sie sich dann vor Ort im Kunsthistorischen Museum von der Pracht dieser ganz besonderen Tapisserie überzeugen! Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!
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Gerne beraten wir Sie persönlich
Hannah Mingers, BA, BSc.
+43 1 52524 - 4038