Antiquities remixed

Following renovations lasting several years, KHM’s world-famous Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities reopened on September 5, 2009. The construction and overall refurbishment included, surprising though it may seem, the “complete electrification of all exhibition rooms” for the first time, and provided the basis for a new installation of the collection. The scholarly concept was developed by museum curators, whilst stage designer Hans Hoffer created the staging and exhibition architecture. The lighting concept, images projected on window surfaces, stelae, foundations, display cases, colour concept, signage and visitor guidance plan, continue today to set the scene for the harmonious interaction of visitors, objects and architecture.

The fervent appeal of the museum’s then general director remains of topical relevance today:

1990-2008 © KHM-Museumsverband
Lack of awareness of a shared European community can be countered by knowledge and an understanding of a common pattern—a pattern for which of course no comprehensive or even authoritative value system from the ancient world is available.
It is all the more necessary to create a common consciousness of how much our intellectual, political and cultural traditions are bound up with ancient Greece and Rome. The extent to which a singular role can be attributed to the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities here, depends on its reception and acceptance by the public.
May the reinstallation of this collection stimulate anew interest in the ancient world and make it relevant to the future.
Wilfried Seipel, September 2005