ca. 1555, Artist: Leone Leoni
Here Leoni portrayed Charles V in the armour that he had worn at the victorious Battle of Mühlberg in 1547. Therefore, he created a bust that shows the entire upper body of the emperor. The figures on the plinth have reference to the wise and victorious Imperator (eagle, Mars, Minerva). Rudolf II acquired the bust for his Kunstkammer and chose it as the model for his own portrait.
portrait head; bust
ca. 1555
Leone Leoni (um 1509 Arezzo - 1590 Mailand) - GND
H. 113 cm, B. 59 cm, T. 36 cm; 75 kg
B. 33 cm, T. 30 cm, H. 2,5 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Kunstkammer
Kunstkammer, 5504
Kaiser Karl V. Sohn des Philipp von Habsburg (1500 - 1558) - GND
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