um 1600
The gilded bronze
gondola has a mechanism that makes it move. If it’s wound up it runs in a range
of a square meter changing its direction in an angle of 90 degrees with every
stroke of the gondoliere. The gentleman bends towards the lady who is playing
the lute, tapping her on the shoulder and lifting his other hand slowly.
Gondelautomat, Automat, Tafelaufsatz
um 1600
Bronze, vergoldet, Holz, Leinen, Seide, Goldborten, Perlen
H. 37 cm, L. 72 cm
Schloss Ambras Innsbruck
Schloss Ambras Innsbruck, PA 386
fraglich im Nachlassinventar Erzherzog Ferdinands II. 1596 nachweisbar: "Ain Venedigisch gundele, darinnen ain magnifico sict mit ainer laten sambt ainer cortesana, so ain hindl auf der schosz helt, uberal mit golt ziert" (Boeheim 1888, fol. 554r)
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