1537, Artist: Albrecht Altdorfer
The scene of Lot’s daughters getting their father drunk so that they can conceive children by him was frequently depicted in 16th-century painting. Here Altdorfer used it as a pretext for a large painting of nude figures. With this picture, which he created at the very end of his artistic career, the painter greatly distanced himself from the Danube school, developing his style in the direction of international Mannerism.
Albrecht Altdorfer (um 1480 - 1538 Regensburg) - GND
107,5 x 189 cm
Framed: 134,8 cm × 215,5 cm × 5,5 cm
Date at the top right of the tree trunk: 1537
auf der Rückseite die Inschrift: Herrn Dr. Niclaußen von Gülchen, Nürnberg
3 Wappenstempel sowie der Wappenstempel Kaiser Karls VI.
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Gemäldegalerie
Gemäldegalerie, 2923
at the beginning of the 17th century in the possession of the Nuremberg council consulter and lawyer Nikolaus von Gülchen; from the art possession of Charles VI
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