Degen: Goldener Degen

vor 1552, Owner: Kaiser Maximilian II., Sohn des Ferdinand I. von Habsburg Österreich



Goldener Degen

The gold sword made for Emperor Maximilian II is a highlight of sixteenthcentury Spanish goldsmithing work. The surface of the hilt seems to dissolve into detailed, three-dimensionally worked ornaments with green, blue, red, black, and white enamel highlights. The sword can be disassembled and stored in a now lost box, which helped protect the fragile enamel. The hilt may perhaps be attributed to Pere Juan Pockh, a goldsmith active in Barcelona. Pockh subsequently produced similar ceremonial swords for Maximilian, including the one the emperor presented to August, Elector of Saxony, that is now in Dresden. Pockh also worked for Maximilian’s consort, Mary.

Note the mark of Antonio Piccinino, a swordsmith active in Milan, on the ricasso, the unsharpened length of blade just below the guard. He also signed the blade: ANTONIO PICCININO.

The sword now in Vienna may be identical with the one ‘made of gold and enamel in the Spanish manner’ (von ledigem golt schen geschmelzter Spanischer arbat) listed in the 1554 inventory of the garderobe of Maximilian II, which ‘Lord Pernstein had presented to His Royal Highness’ (der von Pernstein ier khgl. würd verert). Shortly afterwards, on 5 October 1554, ‘His Majesty presented it to Archduke Ferdinand’ (durch ir khgl. würd selb dem erzherzog Ferdinandt verert worden). The Bohemian nobleman Vladislav II of Pernstein was a childhood friend of Maximilian and had accompanied him on journeys to the Low Countries and to Spain. He may have presented the Habsburg with this sword at Genoa in 1552, where Maximilian (crowned King of Bohemia that year) had gone ashore on his way back from Spain.

Location: Neue Burg, Saal V

Object data

Object Name



Spanisch, Barcelona (?) und Mailand (Klinge)


vor 1552


Antonio Piccinino (1509 - 1589, tätig in Mailand)

Pere Juan Poch , Goldschmied zugeschrieben ((Meister 1551, gest. um 1590)) - GND

Wratislav von Pernstein ((1530–1582) böhmischer Kämmerer)


Klinge: Eisen, geschmiedet, teils durchbrochen gearbeitet, teils graviert. Gefäß: Goldrohre und Goldbleche über Eisenkern montiert. Goldbleche: teils ziseliert, teils punziert, teils durchbrochen gearbeitet, teils graviert, teils emailliert. Griff: Holzkern, mit Golddraht umwickelt. Golddraht: teils kordiert, teils mit eingeschlagenem Eierstabprofil.


L 122 cm x B 24,3 cm x T 13 cm


Klingeninschrift: ANTONIO PICCININO


siehe Signatur


H oder X unter Krone

Image rights

Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Hofjagd- und Rüstkammer

Inv. No.

Hofjagd- und Rüstkammer, A 588

100 Meisterwerke - Prunkdegen Maximilians des II - Antonio Piccinino

IGS - Prunkdegen von Kaiser Maximilian II. - Antonio Piccinino

OESG - Prunkdegen von Kaiser Maximilian II. - Antonio Piccinino

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