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Tutankhamun and the World of the Pharaohs

Tutankhamun and the World of the Pharaohs An exhibition organized by the Kunsthistorisches Museum in collaboration with the National Geographic Society "Tutankhamun and the World of the Pharaohs", a new exhibition featuring more than 140 treasures from the tomb of the celebrated pharaoh Tutankhamun and additional ancient sites, will debut March 9 at the Völkerkunde Museum Vienna.

Mummies from Ancient Egypt

Mummies from Ancient Egypt On Mummy Research at the Kunsthistorisches Museum During the last three years, the Kunsthistorisches Museum, in collaboration with the University of Vienna (Histological-Embryological Institute of the University of Vienna) and with the support of the FWF (Fund for the Support of Scientific Research), has carried out X-ray, histological,

Coinage and Power in Ancient Israel

Coinage and Power in Ancient Israel From the Collection of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem Ancient Jewish coins were minted from the fourth century BC to the reign of Emperor Hadrian in the second century AD; they offer unique insights into the history and civilization of ancient Israel. Coins document the period of Persian rule, the time of the Hasmonean dynasty, the reign of Herod

Inclusive art education

some of these materials to explore the world of princely collectors. Ephesus – Home of one of the Wonders of the Ancient World Everybody has heard of the magnificent temple of Artemis at Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. In the late 19 th century Austrian archaeologists began to dig at Ephesus,...

Gold of the Pharaohs

Hairbands, pectorals, bracelets and jewellery made of semi-precious stones will present a sparkling and sumptuous image of Ancient Egyptian culture. In addition, the exhibition includes funerary statues and valuable funerary offerings from Ancient Egyptian tombs. The world`s most important museums have loaned exhibits: the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, the Metropolitan Museum in New York, the...


ephesos Architecture, Monuments & Sculpture The exhibition celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the opening of the Ephesus Museum in Vienna offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience this World Heritage Site: twenty-five large-scale picture-installations by Ahmet Ertug document the ancient city, her magnificent monuments and sculptures, united with priceless exhibits

Rubens 2017

Rubens THE POWER OF TRANSFORMATION October 17, 2017 – January 21, 2018 1. Section »Like no artist before him, Rubens created and brought to life worlds that continue to excite us. His art is full of special effects. Forms and colours seem to explode, to burst forth from his paintings. Pop Art. He sees everything

History of the collection

History of the collection Ephesus lies on the Aegean coast of Turkey and was one of the largest cities of the ancient world. It was during the early modern period that the first European researchers set off to the Eastern Mediterranean in search of the great places of the past. Their descriptions, travel notes and, in particular, their sketches and engravings formed the basis for early


for which of course no comprehensive or even authoritative value system from the ancient world is available. It is all the more necessary to create a common consciousness of how much our intellectual, political and cultural traditions are bound up with ancient Greece and Rome. The extent to which a singular role can be attributed to the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities here,...

Vitrine EXTRA #2

the potter nor the painter left their names in a signature, as was often the case with ancient vases. On the basis of stylistic criteria, however, the cup could be attributed to a painter by whom about 150 works from the early Greek classical period of the late sixth and early fifth century BCE have survived. The scene depicted points to the world of athletes and sporting competitions...

The Museum

The Museum The Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien is one of the foremost museums in the world, with rich holdings comprising artworks from seven millennia - from Ancient Egypt to the late 18th century. The collections of Renaissance and Baroque art are of particular importance. The Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien’s extensive holdings are on show at different locations: The main

The bridge at Mostar

The destruction of this monument in 1993 during the War in Bosnia shocked the whole world. The international community made possible the re-building of the so-called "ancient bridge" using original blocks of stone recovered from the bed of the River Neretva. On the occasion of the current Dutch presidency of the OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) the...

Vitrine EXTRA #3

Vitrine EXTRA #3 Taboo?! exciting – fulfilling – startling The series Vitrine EXTRA, which presents at regular intervals different ancient artefacts temporarily in the permanent exhibition of the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, lets visitors explore the ancient world's approach to nudity and sexuality in its third edition.

Antiquity and Modern Art

in Vienna in the context of the official visit, of his Excellency the President of Hellenic Republic Mr. Karolos Papoulias to Vienna. This exhibition, which is going to comprise 53 works of art, aspires to present the reception of the classical spirit of ancient Greece (ideas, themes, figures) by modern Greek artists, the ways in which they have been inspired by it, as well as the ways

Gods in Colour

Gods in Colour Painted Sculpture of Classical Antiquity An exhibition of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in cooperation with the Stiftung Archäologie, Munich, and the Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung, Frankfurt am Main. Gleaming white marble and limestone sculptures dominate our image of the Mediterranean world in classical antiquity. However, we know that ancient architecture

Portraits from the Dessert

portraits and may be dated especially the female portraits with the help of changing hairstyle fashions. To facilitate this comparison, Roman marble busts and jewellery from the Collection of Classical Antiquities in the Kunsthistorisches Museum will also be on show in the exhibition. Mummy portraits are a unique testament to the quality of painting in the ancient world, very little of which...

History of the collection

that some of the later art collections first arose. This fact puts coin collections among the world’s oldest museum-related institutions. This also applies to the Vienna Coin Cabinet, which arose from the Habsburg collection, which had been continuously maintained and expanded. The oldest extant inventory was established around 1547/50 under Ferdinand I (1503-1564). The coins listed by...

The House of Medusa

pieces has proved a particular challenge. Situated on the edge of the Roman Empire, Enns, the ancient Lauriacum, was once an important city. Its exposed location on the limes – a request to designate the latter a UNESCO world heritage site is pending – makes it an excellent example of how to make the most of a key function between what appears foreign and one’s own views and experiences.

The History of the Vienna Numismatic Collection

and antiquities. The emperors particular fondness for antique coins is documented in his Nummothek, a numismatic collection in book form. Francis Stephen of Lorraine, the consort of Empress Maria Theresa, called to Vienna the highly gifted and self-taught Valentin Jamerai Duval in order to organise and also to expand the important collection of modern coins from around the world. After the rulers...

No. 10

for the Viennese showcases are packed with numerous works of equal or similar rank. But to appreciate this one has to throw overboard most ideas about what passes as art today. When one speaks of art today, one often means paintings [...] The ancients of the Kunst- und Wunderkammer, both the princes and the artists, would turn in their graves. Art then meant creating the greatest...

Private tours for children

suggested topics/themes) in the following collections Ancient Egyptian and Near-Eastern Collection A journey to the land of the Pharaohs Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities A treasure hunt Picture Gallery Monsters The Ephesus Museum The city of one of the Wonders of the Worlds The Imperial Armoury Knights close up ...


out of the so-called Livonian Confederation, with Riga, the country’s modern capital, joining the Hanseatic League in 1282. The following centuries repeatedly witnessed loss of territory, partitioning, and new rulers, among them Poland, Sweden in 1621, Russia and, at the end of the First World War, Germany. In 1918 Latvia as an independent country was founded; in 1940, however, it was annexed by...

grey time – Fractions of the Museum

grey time – Fractions of the Museum An artistic exploration by Jeremias Altmann and Andreas Tanzer My king, the world is no more. Testaments to the past and debris of our future. A premature résumé - as long as mankind still exists. In addition to their solo careers, Jeremias Altmann and Andreas Tanzer have been collaborating for some years on the series

The Last Day

his photographic project The Last Day is inspired by historical facts and natural catastrophes: In the most poetical sense, Nature herself takes centre stage. Earth and water make their way through the galleries. Mountains take possession of the rooms. Leaves and shady groves cover ancient busts. A visual dialogue between two contrary worlds takes spectators on a journey in which violence and...

Celebrate a party in our studio

this exclusive event for yourself, your family, your friends or your company. Children’s birthday party Celebrate your birthday in Ancient Egypt or take a trip round the world. Or would you prefer to put to flight monsters and other fabulous creatures? We’ll let the birthday girl or boy decide! After wandering about the museum looking at artworks we’ll paint or craft a present...

Collection of Historic Musical Instruments

and Viennese fortepianos. The world of sound in which the composers of Viennese Classicism lived can be heard and understood here in a nearly complete fashion. The holdings of the collection have their origins in Habsburg holdings; they have since been continually expanded via purchases, gifts and loans. The Matinees of the Collection of Historic Musical Instruments give visitors the opportunity...

Winter Tales

personified winter. In northern mythology three years of frost herald the end of the world. Large-scale depictions of how Napoleon’s Grande Armée was defeated by the Russian winter are a modern equivalent of these ancient scenarios of the end of the world. The contrary vision comprises serenity and joyous cheer: we gaze at views of a snow-covered countryside with skaters enjoying themselves on...


Patrons The Patrons of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna are an exclusive circle of individual art lovers dedicated to long-term support of the Museum and specific projects. Become a Patron and delve into the fascinating world of our collections, engage in conversations with our experts, and really get to know the museum. Patrons support Exhibition

Vitrine EXTRA #6

The special presentation Vitrine EXTRA , which periodically showcases different ancient objects as temporary additions to the permanent exhibition at the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, explores the colorful traces of Greco-Roman antiquity in its sixth edition. Based on a relief depicting the god of light, Mithras, the...

Ephesos Museum

Ephesos Museum Ephesos, located in present-day Turkey, was one of the most important cities of antiquity. It was here that the Artemis Temple, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, stood; the city was also the home of Heraclitus, as well as of one of the largest early-Christian communities. Roman times saw Ephesos became capital of the Province of Asia, with around 200,000

The Heroon of Trysa

The Heroon of Trysa The friezes of the Heroon of Trysa are among the most extraordinary monuments of the ancient world. Located on the Lycia peninsula in south-western Turkey, they once adorned the enclosing wall of a heroon, the burial place of a local sovereign who was worshipped like a hero (heros). With a total length of the friezes of 211 metres, on which almost 600 carved stone

The Imperial Crown – Phase II

Crown – A heritage that unites Support phase II of the groundbreaking research project! Become part of the Crown project and support our endeavour to successfully complete this exciting and complex research project and share the results with the world. Every contribution is of crucial importance in realising this special project. Support this project

Digital Museum

Masters The project Digital Renaissance marks the beginning of the Web3 Journey of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna: hand-picked digital artists create NFT artworks inspired by Old Masters, ancient sculpture or the museum's architecture. The drops are launched in collaboration with the European NFT marketplace Tokapi and are available in strictly limited editions.

Marco Basaiti: The Calling of the Sons of Zebedee. Interpretation

in Plato’s Symposium (see Summary of Research Findings and the detailed argumentation in the essay accessible via the link above). This ancient literary myth, with which all Renaissance humanists were well acquainted, offers an explanation for the origin of love and in particular describes homosexuals as the noblest and most manly of their sex. This is precisely where the problem lies: at...

Nahaufname 2018

9.15 – 10.45 UHR Chair: Stefan Weppelmann Sharing Experiences - Erfahrungen aus dem EU-Projekt SWICH Claudia Augustat und Doris Prlić Von Herbst 2014 bis September 2018 war das Weltmuseum Wien Lead Partner des EU-geförderten Projekts SWICH – Sharing a World of Inclusion, Creativity and Heritage. Für SWICH arbeiteten zehn...

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