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Gustav Klimt in the Kunsthistorisches Museum

Gustav Klimt in the Kunsthistorisches Museum Curated by Dr. Otmar Rychlik To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birthday of Gustav Klimt on July 14, 2012, the Kunsthistorisches Museum will showcase its important wall paintings designed and executed by the celebrated painter and draughtsman. In 1890, a year before the formal opening of the newly- erected Court Museum housing

Face to Face with Gustav Klimt

Face to Face with Gustav Klimt The Klimt-Bridge in the Kunsthistorisches Museum Because of its sensational success, the Klimt-Bridge erected in the Main Staircase of the Kunsthistorisches Museum will remain until January 6, 2013, offering visitors a unique opportunity to enjoy a close-up view of Klimt’s early paintings displayed in situ twelve metres above the floor. In 1890/91

Stairway to Klimt

Stairway to Klimt Eye to Eye with Klimt Zoom Altitalienische Kunst, Detail, 1891 To mark the centenary of the death of Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) we invite museum visitors to take a closer look at his unique paintings displayed twelve metres above ground where they form an integral part of the sumptuous décor of the Main Staircase. As in 2012,

Point of View #9

Point of View #9 Gustav Klimt "Portrait of a Lady with a Lilac Scarf” Point of View # 9 focuses on Gustav Klimt’s “Portrait of a Lady with a Lilac Scarf”. This portrait was recently bequeathed to the Kunsthistorisches Museum. It had been in the same family for almost a century and was never exhibited in public; until now, even art historians knew only a black-and-white photograph

Anton Josef Trcka

in the consciousness of the contemporary art scene of his time. He was so little the conformist as a poet, painter and photographer that he never belonged to any group and almost never found an opportunity for exhibition or publication. And yet within a small circle of painters, dancers and writers he was considered a brilliant portraitist. Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt and many others held his...

„Everything has turned out very nicely…“ (Kaiser Franz Joseph)

the elaborate interior decorations. Some of the foremost painters of the time, among them Gustav Klimt and Hans Makart, were commissioned. The Collection of Arms and Armour was the first to move into its new home; it was opened to the public in 1889, some time before the official inauguration of the museum. It took another two years until all the collections were installed in their new galleries....

Combined tickets

largest collection of Bruegels. At the Kunstkammer Vienna discover for yourself the famous Saliera by Benvenuto Cellini. The Leopold Museum houses the world’s largest Schiele collection and masterpieces by Gustav Klimt. Additionally, paintings, graphics and objects of the 19th and 20th centuries, including precious handcrafts and original art nouveau and Wiener Werkstätte furniture, are...

„Viribus Vnitis“ – Das Buch vom Kaiser.

Reliefprägung; 322 S. mit zahlreichen Textillustrationen, 3 goldgehöhten Chromolithographien von Koloman Moser, 35 Heliogravüren, 263 Textabbildungen und 2000 Porträts zeitgenössischer Persönlichkeiten; Großfolio: 460 x 380 x 100 mm 1898: Das Gebäude der Wiener Secession, der 1897 von Gustav Klimt, Kolo Moser, Josef Hoffmann u.a. gegründeten Künstlervereinigung wird fertiggestellt. Die erste...

Kunsthistorisches Museum

Its focal point is Antonio Canova‘s statue of „Thesus Slaying the Centaur", which is flanked by two imperial lions. The large ceiling painting by the Hungarian painter Mihàly Munkácsy celebrates „The Triumph of the Renaissance". The twelve lunette paintings are by Hans Makart who portrayed famous artists, while the paintings left and right of the arches are early works by Ernst and Gustav Klimt...


the Younger 17 »THE FUR«, Peter Paul Rubens 18 SAMSON AND DELILAH, Sir Antony van Dyck 19 THE ART OF PAINTING, Johannes Vermeer 20 TTRIPTYCH SHOWING THE CRUCIFIXION, Rogier van der Weyden 21 THE TOWER OF BABEL, Pieter Bruegel the Elder 22 THE SPANDELS, Gustav Klimt 23 ECCE HOMO, Tiziano Vecellio, called Titian 24 ...

Venue Hire ¦ Events

by Mihály von Munkácsy, Hans Makart and Gustav Klimt. Antonio Canova’s statue of Theseus Slaying the Centaur is the focal point of the landing and is particularly well suited for welcoming your guests personally, or for starting the evening with a performance of music or dancing. *If the staircase is also booked, 700 or 220 people are possible Zoom


THE TOWER OF BABEL, Pieter Bruegel the Elder 22 THE SPANDELS, Gustav Klimt 23 ECCE HOMO, Tiziano Vecellio, called Titian 24 SELF-PORTRAIT IN A CONVEX MIRROR, Francesco Mazzola, called Parmigianino 25 THE MADONNA OF THE MEADOW, Raffaello Santi, called Raphael 26 YOUNG WOMAN AT HER TOILETTE, Giovanni Bellini 27 WINTER, Giuseppe Arcimboldo ...


LE COLONNE, Gustav Klimt 23 ECCE HOMO, Tiziano Vecellio 24 AUTORITRATTO, Francesco Mazzola, detto il Parmigianino 25 MADONNA DEL PRATO, Raffaello Sanzio 26 DONNA NUDA ALLO SPECCIO, Giovanni Bellini 27 INVERNO, Giuseppe Arcimboldo 28 MADONNA DEL ROSARIO, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio 29 VEDUTA DI VIENNA DAL BELVEDERE, Bernardo


Portrait d’un jeune marchand, Hans Holbein 17 »LA PELISSE«, Peter Paul Rubens 18 SAMSON ET DALILA, Anton van Dyck 19 L’ART DE LA PEINTURE, Johannes Vermeer de Delft 20 TRIPTYQUE DE LA CRUCIFIXION, Rogier van der Weyden 21 LA TOUR DE BABEL, Pieter Bruegel le Vieux 22 PEINTURES EN ÉCOINÇON, Gustav Klimt 23 ECCE HOMO, Le Titien ...


LA TORRE DE BABEL, Pieter Bruegel el Viejo 22 CUADROS EN LAS PECHINAS, Gustav Klimt 23 ECCE HOMO,Tiziano Vecellio, alias Tiziano 24 AUTORRETRATO EN UN ESPEJO CONVEXO, Francesco Mazzola, alias Parmigianino 25 VIRGEN DEL PRADO, Raffaello Santi, alias Rafael 26 JOVEN MUJER LAVÁNDOSE, Giovanni Bellini 27 EL INVIERNO,Giuseppe Arcimboldo 28

Nahaufname 2019

der bedeutendsten Bestände des Theatermuseums zählt. Mehr als hundert Archivkartons enthalten Material bedeutender Zeitgenossen wie etwa Hugo von Hofmannsthals, Arthur Schnitzlers oder Gustav Klimts, um nur einige Namen zu nennen. Der Forschung blieb der Zugang zu diesem bedeutenden Nachlass aufgrund einer problematischen Erbschaftsregelung mehr oder weniger verwehrt. Mit Ablauf des

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