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Xavier Mascaró

Palais Harrach, First Floor GalleryFreyung 3, 1010 Vienna

23 July 2004 until 19 September 2004
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

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Money from China

8 June 2004 until 26 October 2004
Coin Collection

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Polychrome Skulptur am Theseum – Die Macht der Farbe

Eine Ausstellung der art position 2004

5 June 2004 until 14 July 2004
The Theseus Temple

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Myth and Enigma

23 March 2004 until 11 July 2004
Picture Gallery

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Flemisch landscape painting

1520 - 1700

20 December 2003 until 12 April 2004
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

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Maria Moser

Materie in spiritu

Extended until 18 January 2004
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

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Die moderne Medaille in Österreich

Ferdinand Welz und seine Schule

25 October 2003 until 23 May 2004
Coin Collection

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Hans Robert Pippal (Vienna 1915 - Vienna 1998)

Between Innovation and Tradition

Palais Harrach, 2. StockFreyung 3, 1010 Wien

25 October 2003 until 30 November 2003
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

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