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Terribly Beautiful. Monstrosities in Art


15 February 2011 until 1 May 2011
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

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Boris Orlov: Cercle of Heroes

An exhibition organised by the Stella Art Foundation in the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities of the Kunsthistorisches Museum

23 November 2010 until 20 March 2011
Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities

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A collaboration between the Kunsthistorisches Museum and Universität für angewandte Kunst, Vienna Art Week 2010

16 November 2010 until 12 December 2010
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

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Hans von Aachen

A Court Artist in Europe

19 October 2010 until 9 January 2011
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

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Collecting: A Waste of Time - or Art?

Students plan an exhibition

A project of the Kunsthistorisches Museum and AHS Rahlgasse

14 September 2010 until 31 October 2010
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

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A Golden Age

Dutch Group Portraits from the Amsterdams Historisch Museum

9 September 2010 until 21 November 2010
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

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Gold of the Archbishops

from the coin collection of Bankhaus Spängler

8 September 2010 until 13 October 2010
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

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Die Schlacht von Tannenberg 1410

Eine Ausstellung anlässlich des 600-jährigen Jubiläums der Schlacht bei Grunwald/Tannenberg, in der der Deutsche Kreuzritterorden von polnischen, litauischen und anderen Heeren vernichtend geschlagen wurde.

18 June 2010 until 10 October 2010
Imperial Armoury

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