Corporate Sponsorship
Become a long-term partner, or a sponsor/cooperation-partner for one of our many interesting special exhibitions, and your company will enjoy…
- exclusive access to unique treasures from five millennia and the world-famous collections of Austria’s largest universal museum
- the opportunity to host exclusive events for your employees, customers or business partners, arranged by us according to your particulars and reflecting your corporate philosophy
- access to our targeted PR activities
- a strong presence in your target groups and/or new target groups (1.3 million annual visitors)
- the opportunity effectively to demonstrate your commitment to cultural responsibility
Our Partners:
In all our activities we adhere to the guidelines of the Fairness Codex - Art and Culture in Austria.

We look forward to hearing from you. For more information, please contact
Julia Kosely, BA, BSc.
KHM Museumsverband
Burgring 5, 1010 Vienna
Tel. +43 1 525 24- 4032