Private tours for children
If you want to know the fascinating stories behind the artworks come to one of our guided tours for children! Get to know individual collections or learn about specific subjects or topics – let your imagination run wild! For ideas and topics check our programme of public tours for children in German.
We offer private tours for children (see suggested topics/themes) in the following collections
Ancient Egyptian and Near-Eastern Collection
A journey to the land of the Pharaohs
Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities
A treasure hunt
Picture Gallery
The Ephesus Museum
The city of one of the Wonders of the Worlds
The Imperial Armoury
Knights close up
Kunstkammer Vienna
Snake oil and magic treasures
Collection of Historical Musical Instruments
Instruments from a chamber of wonders
Imperial Treasury Vienna
Crowns and more
Carriage Museum Vienna
Carriages that can go up to 8 PS
50 Min. oder ca. 90 Min.
Preis pro Führung (50 Min.):
bis derzeit 13 Kinder pauschal € 40
Preis pro Führung (ca. 90 Min.):
bis derzeit 13 Kinder pauschal € 60
Eintritt für Kinder frei,
2 begleitende Erwachsene zahlen den ermäßigten Eintritt
Terminvereinbarung bitte 2-3 Wochen im Voraus.
Derzeit Gruppen bis max. 13 Kindern
Contact us
Education dept.
T +43 1 525 24 - 5202