2. Hälfte 12. Jahrhundert, Artist: Palermo, Königliche Hofwerkstätten
Each of the Hose is essentially made out of a single piece of red samite in the shape of pontifical stockings. Only the toe has been sewn on separately. The Hose are decorated with gold wire embroidery, with the fine wires of pure gold couched to the fabric with silk threads. They create a pattern of overlapping quatrefoils, at the centre of which are small four-pointed flowers or stars. The pattern covers the entire stocking like a net, except for the heel and toe. In places where the gold wire has fallen out, the dark preliminary drawing for the embroidery design can be seen. A green silk band in tapestry technique has been sewn to the upper edge of the Hose. There is an inscription in Arabic Thuluth script on gold leaf attached with white and red silk threads. It states that the Hose were made for King William (= William II of Sicily, reigned 1166-1189). The inventory of 1246 lists "two scarlet stockings", which may refer to the Hose. The red silk ribbons to secure the Hose date from the 19th century.
Textil; liturgisches Gewand; Krönungsornat
2. Hälfte 12. Jahrhundert
Textil; Roter Seidenkörper, Golddraht, grüne Seidenborte in Tapisserietechnik mit Tulut-Schrift in Häutchengold, Goldborte
L. 60 cm, B. 17 bzw. 18 cm
Tulut-Schrift (Übersetzung): "Im Auftrage des prächtigen, heiligen Königs Gulyalm, der durch Gott Hochgeehrte, durch seine Macht Unterstützte, durch seine Kraft Siegreiche"
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Weltliche Schatzkammer
Schatzkammer, WS XIII 12
Permalink (citable Link) to this page: www.khm.at/en/object/100433/
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