Paneling from a niche and a lintel of Pa-nehesi (right jamb)

19th/20th Dynasty, ca. 1315-1166 BC, Presumably from Thebes



Paneling from a niche and a lintel of Pa-nehesi (right jamb)

The lintel and both jambs probably framed a niche for a statue in the tomb of Pa-nehesi. In the center at the top, a djed-pillar, the symbol of Osiris, is flanked by two recumbent jackals and wedjat eyes. Below, the standard-bearer Pa-nehesi and his wife kneel before OsirisWenen-nefer and Re-Horakhty. Here and on the jambs, Pa-nehesi carries standards.

Location: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Raum VII

Object data

Object Name

Niche paneling




New Kingdom


19th/20th Dynasty, ca. 1315-1166 BC




H 108,4 cm, B 20 cm, T 7,5 cm, G 28 kg

Image rights

Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Ägyptisch - Orientalische Sammlung

Inv. No.

Ägyptische Sammlung, INV 150


1821, purchased by Ernst August Burghart in Egypt

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