um 1620, Artist: Ottavio Miseroni
Like its companion (left) this small altar (right) was commissioned from Ottavio Miseroni in Prague by Empress Anna. Depicted on the oval mosaic relief is St. Anne, who holds the infant Jesus in her right arm and embraces Mary with her left. A piece of St. Annes robe is preserved between the socles of the pillars. As a crowning element, a cross composed of fifteen small diamonds rises above a relief bust of Christ.
Reliquiar; Altärchen; Andachtsbild; Commesso in pietro dure
um 1620
Ottavio Miseroni (1567 Mailand - 1624 Prag) - GND
Chalzedon, Jaspis, Achat, Karneol, Bergkristall, Lapislazuli, Diamanten, Rubine, Perlen, Goldemail, Silber, vergoldet / Reliefcommesso
H. 30 bzw. 33,5 cm, B. je 19 cm, T. je 7,9 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Geistliche Schatzkammer
Schatzkammer, GS Kap 219 und GS Kap 220
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