around 1622/28, Artist: Orazio Lomi Gentileschi
Fully possessed of her physical beauty, the repentant sinner lies on the ground in her lonely cave, her look turned heavenwards towards the light. Her simple attire shows her repudiation of earthly vanity, while the skull and opened book indicate her inner conversion and devotion to spirituality.
Caravaggio and Caravaggesque painting
around 1622/28
Orazio Lomi Gentileschi (1563 Pisa - 1639 London) - GND
Overall: 163 x 208 cm
Framed: 186,5 cm × 225 cm × 8 cm
Inscribed at lower right: HORATIVS GENE ...FLORENTINVS
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Gemäldegalerie
Gemäldegalerie, 179
Until 1648 Coll. Buckingham; 1685 imperial Coll. Prague; 1783 documented in the gallery in Vienna
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