beginning of the 18th century, Manufacturer: Hendrik Richters
The oboe belongs to the group of double-reed instruments and developed out of the shawm. Due to its powerful sound, flexible timbre and extensive range, it became a much-loved solo and ensemble instrument during the Baroque period. The typical Baroque instrument has two keys for the notes C and E-flat, the upper being a double key. The way the instrument was held, with either the right or left hand at the lower end, had not yet been standardised and both options were open to the player. Hendrik Richters was born in 1683 in Amsterdam and, although he died when he was only 45, he left a great number of oboes that are among the most beautiful of their kind. With exquisite craftsmanship, Hendrik Richters worked these materials into exclusive, precious artefacts. Whereas the ornamental rings of other of his instruments are often made of ebony, this oboe has finely chiselled, perforated silver rings. An unusual feature of this instrument is the connecting silver chain which prevents segments of the body from getting lost. (rh/bd)
Lit.: Rudolf Hopfner: Masterpieces from the Collection of Historic Musical Instruments. A Short Guide through the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, Vol. 1, Vienna 2019
Netherlands, Amsterdam
beginning of the 18th century
Hendrik Richters (1683 Amsterdam - 1727)
575 mm x 65 mm x 65 mm
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente
Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente, 653
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