ca. 1560/70, Artist: Cornelius Groß
A tortoise shell horn, as an exotic rarity, was adapted into a bizarre drinking vessel by an Augsburg goldsmith. The winged dragon stands atop a tortoise and turns its neck aggressively toward the viewer. A small satyr on its back bears the arms of an Earl of Montfort-Tettnang, from whose estate the object entered the possession of Archduke Ferdinand II of Tyrol.
Vessel; Drinking Horn
Augsburg; Goa or Gujarat (India) (horn)
ca. 1560/70
Cornelius Groß (Meister vor 1534 - 1575 Augsburg)
Tortoise shell, gilded silver, enamel, traces of paint
H. 29,5 cm, L. 35 cm
Augsburger Pyr (Sel 5); R3, Nr.476 (Sel 602a)
Wappen des Grafen Ulrich IX. Montfort-Tettnang
Seling 2007: MZ 602a, BZ 0040 (verwendet 1559-1586)
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Kunstkammer
Kunstkammer, 889
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