Allegory of Salvation

after 1543, Artist: Wolfgang Huber



Allegory of Salvation

The picture was created as a commission of the Prince Bishop of Passau, Wolfgang Graf von Salm, who is depicted kneeling in the foreground as patron. The allegory of salvation shows a comparison between the crucifixion of Christ and its „typological equivalent“ in the Old Testament, the raising of the bronze snake by Moses (Num 21,9). In the background: the healing by Peter and John of the man born lame (Acts 3,1-10), to the right the imprisonment of the Apostles (Acts 4,3).

Location: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Kabinett 15

Object data

Object Name





after 1543


Wolfgang Huber (1480 - 1553) - GND




154 x 130 cm
Framed: 176,5 cm × 153,5 cm × 6,5 cm


Oben links das Passauer Bistumswappen; rechst das Wappen des im Vordergrund knienden Stifters, Wolfgang I. Graf Salm, Fürstbischof von Passau; links unten eine Inschrifttafel mit einem Auszug der Rede des Apostels Petrus vor dem Hohen Rat: NOTVM SIT ONIBVS VOBIS ET ONI PLEBI ISRAEL: QVOD IN NOIE/DNI NRI IESV CHRI NAZARENI QVEM VOS CRVCIFIXISTIS, QVE/DEVS SUSCITAVIT A MORTVIS, IN HOC ISTE ASTAT CORA/VOBIS SANVS. HIC EST LAPIS ANGVLARIS QVI REPRO/BATVS EST A VOBIS AEDIFICANTIBVS, QVI FACTVS/EST IN CAPVT ANGVLI ET NON EST IN ALIO ALIQVO/SALVS. ACT IIII

Image rights

Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Gemäldegalerie

Inv. No.

Gemäldegalerie, 971


1783 documented in the gallery


Wolfgang von Salm (1541 - 1555)

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