ca. 1565/1570, Artist: Gasparo Miseroni
Gasparo Miseroni (ca. 1518–1573) established the period’s foremost workshop for precious stone vessels in Milan. The outstanding value of the stones and the skill required to cut them – mastered only by a handful of virtuoso artists – made them some of the most highly prized objects in princely Kunstkammer collections of the 16th and 17th centuries. Emperor Maximilian owned over 60 such works; extant records show that some of them are the work of Gasparo Miseroni
Vessel; Lidded Bowl
ca. 1565/1570
Gasparo Miseroni (um 1518 Mailand - 1573) - GND
Prase, gold, enamel, rubies, emeralds, pearls, onyx cameos
H. 19,3 cm, L. 23,9 cm, B. 16,3 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Kunstkammer
Kunstkammer, 2014
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