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Venus Urania or Allegory of Astronomy

ca. 1575, Artist: Giovanni Bologna, gen. Giambologna



Venus Urania or Allegory of Astronomy

“All sorts of Pictures in Brass or Other Metal”
In the Kunstkammer of Prague Castle, numerous bronze sculptures were displayed on tables or kept in cabinets and large cupboards, where the sets of antlers were also stored. Several statuettes were mentioned specifically in the inventory of 1607–11 as being works by Giambologna, whom Rudolf II particularly esteemed. His Mercury is balanced almost weightlessly on his left foot and, like his elegantly turned female figures, is modelled fully in the round.

Currently not displayed.

Object data

Object Name

Statuette; bronze sculpture




ca. 1575


Giovanni Bologna, gen. Giambologna (1529 Douai - 1608 Florenz) - GND

Antonio Susini (1558 - 1624 Florenz; tätig in Florenz ab 1572) - GND


Bronze, gilded


H. 38,8 cm




"VENNVS", "SOL", "LVNNA" (auf dem Himmelsglobus; Buchstaben "N" und "S" seitenverkehrt)

Image rights

Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Kunstkammer

Inv. No.

Kunstkammer, 5893

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