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The Imperial Hunt
The Imperial Hunt

The Imperial Hunt

Princely Hunts in the Renaissance

The opening of the newly-installed imperial ”Jagdkammer“ in the permanent galleries of the Collection of Arms and Armour focuses on a seminal part of princely pomp and circumstance. The collection of hunting paraphernalia and guns is newly installed in a splendid gallery in the Corps de Logis of Neue Burg Palace. This magnificent location provides a fitting setting for over 90 objects connected with hunting as the sport of princes during the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

The golden aviary that housed the precious falcons and the lavishly embroidered falcon lures form the focus of the newly-installed gallery. Vienna houses the world’s largest collection of courtly equipment for hunting with falcons. This new installation now showcases a large part of this exquisite collection.


Imperial Armoury
Heldenplatz, 1010 Wien

Opening hours

Daily (except Montay)
10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

10 a.m. – 9 p.m.

Entry & Admission
via Weltmuseum Wien

Attention: for special opening hours please note the holiday opening hours
of the Weltmuseum Wien

Buy Ticket

Tel. +43 1 525 24- 4515

Holiday opening hours

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