Threads of power
16th century tapesteries from the Kunsthistorisches Museum
This exhibition brings to life the splendour of monumental Renaissance tapestries, magnificent showpieces displayed to celebrate important events. The show focuses on a sumptuous and extremely costly medium ideally suited to reflect a prince’s authority and status. The exhibition comprises wall hangings and a unique throne-canopy, most of which come from the former Imperial collection and were designed by the period’s leading artists.
The exhibition offers insights into the Kunsthistorisches Museum’s rich holdings of tapestries, which cannot be permanently displayed for conservation reasons. Fourteen selected artworks illustrate the splendour of this textile art in the sixteenth century.
Contemporary works by Margret Eicher and Nives Widauer build a bridge to the present day, imbuing tapestries with a little of their former importance.
Über die Ausstellung
14 July 2015
to 20 September 2015