Guided tours for day-care centres/after school care centres and kindergarten groups
These guided tours reflect the children’s age and understanding: kindergarten groups are playfully introduced to art. Visits can focus on one or two collections, or look at a particular topic or theme in artworks from different collections and periods – whatever you prefer. For ideas and topics check our programme of public tours for children in German, or call us for more information.
We offer private tours for children in the following collections
In the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
Ancient Egyptian and Near-Eastern Collection, Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities, Picture Gallery, Kunstkammer Vienna
In the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna Neue Burg
The Ephesus Museum, The Imperial Armoury, Collection of Historical Musical Instruments
In the Imperial Treasury Vienna and the Carriage Museum Vienna
Here is a short selection of topics/themes:
Animals and mythical creatures
Pictures of children and families
Bruegel for children
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Tailor
Knights close up
c. 60 minutes
group size
max. 25 persons
price per guided tour
€ 3 per child
(groups of less than 13 pupils pay a fixed rate of € 40 or € 60)
English, italiano, Français, español, pyccкий
Please book at least one week in advance.
Contact us
Education dept.
T +43 1 525 24 - 5202