
Poseidon as Lord of the Isthmian Games (?)

mid-13th c.; early 19th c. (mounting)



Poseidon as Lord of the Isthmian Games (?)

As in the case of many works imitating an antique style, the significance of this representation is unclear. Separate antique motifs were obviously strung together. As central figure Poseidon, the god of the sea, is standing on a rock, with a team of tethered horses on each side. Under Emperor Frederick II glyptic art reached its apogee in the kingdom of Southern Italy-Sicily. Admiration for antiquity is one characteristic of this art form, particularly where figurative cameo carving was concerned. Hardstone carving was also promoted by the patronage of princely connoisseurs. Emperor Frederick II was notorious for his passionate interest in precious stones.

Location: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Kunstkammer Wien Raum XXXVII

Object data

Object Name



Southern Italian; Vienna, (mounting)


mid-13th c.; early 19th c. (mounting)


Sardonyx, gold


H. 7 cm, B. 8,8 cm

Image rights

Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Kunstkammer

Inv. No.

Antikensammlung, IXa 62

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