“The Three Philosophers”

around 1508/09, Artist: Giorgio da Castelfranco, gen. Giorgione



“The Three Philosophers”

„The oil painting with the three philosophers in a landscape, two standing and one seated, observing the rays of the sun, with this so wonderfully painted rock ...“ In this note, written in 1525, the three men are identified as „philosophers“. They are considered now as being Pythagoras (sitting) and his two teachers Pherecydes and Thales who were regarded, during the Renaissance, to be the first philosophers of the western world. The rock formation with the spring probably is the oracle of Apollo of Didyma.

Currently not displayed.

Object data

Object Name



Italian, Venetian


around 1508/09


Giorgio da Castelfranco, gen. Giorgione (um 1477 Castelfranco - 1510 Venedig) - GND




Overall (left side heavily cut): 125,5 cm × 146,2 cm × 3,5 cm
Framed (without glass): 156,5 cm × 177 cm × 7,5 cm

Image rights

Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Gemäldegalerie

Inv. No.

Gemäldegalerie, 111


1525 Taddeo Contarini, Venice; 1545 Dario Contarini; 1636 Bartolomeo della Nave, Venice; 1638-1649 Hamilton; Coll. Leopold Wilhelm

IGS - Die drei Philosophen - Giorgione

OESG - Die drei Philosophen - Giorgione

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