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is currently on summer break!

We will be back in the fall with exciting themes. Tickets for the fall dates will be available soon!
Until then, we wish you a wonderful summer and look forward to the new season with you.

All #AnnualTicket holders get their ticket for only €10 (and those 25-years and under for only €5) and #KHMembers or #KHMbassadors get in for free! We are looking forward to seeing you!

With the kind support of

This is Kunstschatzi

Cocktails, art and cool sounds

Once a month, our glamorous Cupola Hall is transformed into a spectacular cocktail bar with a DJ line-up.

Each evening has a special theme, for which a very unique cocktail is created.

Are you wondering what kind of music will be played?

The DJs from RADIO RUDINA will provide the sounds under the disco ball.

But of course the art must not be neglected!

According to the theme of the evening, our art educators will guide you through our unique collections on short, refreshing tours with different focuses – in German or English.

From 7.30 p.m. to 10 p.m., different guided tours of about 30 minutes start every half and full hour. Guided tours are also offered in English.

Whether exciting, funny or scary - there is always something new to discover. So it's worth coming back!

we look forward to seeing you!

The most important facts:


Full price


Reduced for Annual Ticket holders


Reduced for Annual Ticket holders U25


KHMembers and KHMbassadors

freier Eintritt



From 7 p.m.

From 7.30 p.m. to 10 p.m., different guided tours of about 30 minutes start every half and full hour.

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