Shopping at the Museum
The shops in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, the Weltmuseum Wien and the Theatre Museum offer you an extensive range of goods which is constantly extended by new products related to the collections and exhibitions. Here you can find all sorts of things to enrich life and make it enjoyable: postcards, catalogues, noble jewellery as well as replicas of unique works of art, pencils, stationery and games.
Indulge in the art of buying in our unique shops which are accessible for you in accordance with the opening times of the museums. We look forward to your visit!
Through your purchase you directly support the museums and their work!
KHM Museum Boutique
The Museum Boutique in the vestibule of the KHM is characterised by the famous Picture Gallery. Jewellery based on KHM originals and historic models, silk scarves and replicas of unique works of art are on offer here.
Daily open (except Mondays) from 10 am
to 6 pm, Thursdays from 10 am to 9 pm
In the KHM Museum Boutique you will find:
- Jewellery designed from KHM exhibits and historic patterns
- Books and guide books on the Picture Gallery
- Catalogues of Special Exhibitions
- DVDs
- Replicas of artworks from the Collection of Classical Antiquity and the Collection of Sculpture and Decorative Arts
- Textiles
- Postcards and doublecards on the Picture Gallery
- Gifts and souvenirs
KHM Museums Shop
The well-lit and brightly designed Museum Shop covering over 250 m2 on the ground floor of the KHM invites you to linger, browse and buy. The range of products extends from art postcards to noble jewellery based on the collections presented in the KHM. Here you can find original and classic items on art and culture from antiquity to the Baroque.
Daily open (except Mondays) from 10 am to 6 pm, Thursdays from 10 am to 9 pm
In the KHM Museum Shop you will find:
- Books and guide books on all five collections of the KHM together with related themes, children's books and Vienna guide books
- Catalogues of Special Exhibitions
- DVDs and CDs
- Replicas of artworks from the Egyptian and Near Eastern Collection, the Collection of Classical Antiquity and the Collection of Sculpture and Decorative Arts
- Textiles
- Jewellery designed from KHM exhibits and historic patterns
- Postcards, doublecards and posters
- Calendars and stationary of all kinds
- Magnets, sweets and chocolates, mugs as well as many other gifts and souvenirs
- Games and soft toys for children
Imperial Shop Vienna & Hofburg Info Center
täglich von 9-18 Uhr
Im Imperial Shop Vienna erwartet Sie eine hervorragende Selektion feinster Wiener Souvenirs und kulinarischer Genüsse. Das imperiale Flair von anno dazumal präsentiert sich im modernen Raum und bietet Platz für exquisite und ausgewählte Produkte von Wiener Traditionsunternehmen und -manufakturen. Wir laden Sie ein, Ausschau nach hochwertigen Andenken an Wien zu halten, ein kleines Stück der österreichischen Hauptstadt mit nach Hause zu nehmen und kaiserlichem Shoppingvergnügen nach Herzenslust zu frönen!
Our KHM Online Shop is available around the clock.
Department SALES-Shops
Burgring 5, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 1 525 24 - 2600 (Mon to Fri)
Enter the KHM Online-Shop