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Schild: Stechtartsche der Trophäengarnitur (für das Realgestech)

um 1575, Besitzer: Erzherzog Maximilian III. (I.), der Deutschmeister, Sohn Maximilian II. von Habsburg Österreich



Stechtartsche der Trophäengarnitur (für das Realgestech)

Archduke Maximilian III was the fourth son of Emperor Maximilian II and the younger brother of Emperor Rudolf II, Archduke Ernest, and Emperor Matthias. In 1590, he became Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. Following the death of Stephan Báthory (see inv. A 609), he was elected King of Poland but eventually had to cede the crown to Sigismund III Vasa. In 1602, he succeeded his uncle as Archduke of Further Austria and Tyrol.

The Trophy Garniture (inv. A 880) was probably produced when the archduke’s father, Emperor Maximilian II, was still alive. It comprises two armours, one for the field and one for jousting, that can be configured with exchange and reinforcing pieces for different types of tournaments. The reinforcements include this trellised targe, an iron shield required for the tilt. This joust saw two mounted knights try to unhorse each other with heavy, blunted lances or to break each other’s lances. The two combatants were separated by a tilt barrier, hence the name. The shield fitted snugly onto the left pauldron and was firmly screwed to breastplate and shoulder; note the holes in the upper part of this highly specialized shield. The raised, forged trellis provided additional traction for the opponent’s lance and prevented the shield from slipping towards the wearer’s neck or his right armpit. At the same time, it enhanced the power of impact.

This targe from the Trophy Garniture is decorated with the Labours of Hercules, among them his battle with the Nemean Lion, killing the Lernaean Hydra, and capturing Cerberus, the three-headed hound that guarded the entrance to Hades.

Derzeit ausgestellt: Neue Burg, Saal IV







um 1575


Anton Peffenhauser , (Plattner) zugeschrieben (um 1525 - 1603, tätig in Augsburg) - GND


Eisen, geschmiedet, teils getrieben, teils geätzt. Ätzdekor: teils feuervergoldet, teils geschwärzt (schwarz geätzt), teils mit schwarzer Ölfarbe gefüllt (modern). Nietkappen: Messing, feuervergoldet. Leder.


H 44 cm, B 35 cm
Gewicht: 1,55 kg


Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Hofjagd- und Rüstkammer

Inv. Nr.

Hofjagd- und Rüstkammer, B 40

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